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Dr. Homi Bhabha Young Scientist Exam Preparation course (6th & 9th Std.)

Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik Examination (Junior Scientist) is an exam conducted by The Greater Bombay Science Teachers’ Association. The main aim of this exam is to encourage students to take keen interest in science and its application in their daily lives. As this examination doesn’t have any prescribed textbooks and rudimentary pattern, students must have a strong perception of how science is present in their day to day lives!

Our science lab helps students to understand practical tests, which comprises crucial part of this examination. So, we do a simple yet complex task of stimulating and enhancing their perception! 

5th & 8th Std. Govt. Scholarship Exam

This exam is conducted by the state government of Maharashtra for the students of 5th and 8th Standard. The syllabus comprises, mathematics, mental abilities, grammar of English and Marathi language, closely similar to competitive exams conducted by our state government like MPSC. 

The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the competitive exams and laying foundation for their best performance. 

7th Std. Olympiad / Foundation Batch

IIT-JEE / NEET are the two prestigious entrance examinations for professional degree courses in our country. Every student aspires to become a part of these world-renowned institutions. But, the success ratio, i.e. students getting selected and students appearing is quite low. So, this course is nothing but the early preparation towards fulfilling this aspiration. 

Don’t worry, we don’t teach higher mathematics & Science here! We guide students to clear and reinforce their concepts starting as early as 7th  standard! 

Olympiad / School Syllabus Batch (4th Standard.)

The Olympiad examination is taken to test knowledge of English, Science, Mathematics and Mental Ability. This Olympiad program is undertaken, predominantly to stimulate enthusiasm and a love for these subjects and to strengthen aspirant’s intuition.

Nonetheless, grip over above mentioned subjects, determines grip over numerous competitive examinations. Our classroom training is geared towards guiding our students for a fantabulous performance! 

Science lab for practical & summer camp "Basic concept of Mathematics" program

Science and mathematics are two big cornerstones for learning various other subjects. Any person having a command over these two subjects, commands other subjects as well. But, most of kids are afraid of science and especially mathematics! 

The way they are taught underlines the growth of fear. To allay this fear, we have designed this program, where students learn in a joyful and interesting way! Apparently, it is our unique course! 

NSO / IMO / NSTSE / IEO / MTSE / IRAO Exam form filling center

Initially, bright students from our city lacked the opportunity to validate  their skills in national examinations, being conducted in Delhi and  Hyderabad. The problem, absence of form filling center and guidance in  filling the form. 

Now, you can relax! Because, Vishwa Education is the exclusive form filling center for such examinations! We also provide books  to guide the kids, who are eager to succeed! So, parents and their kids, just  concentrate on your study and leave everything else to us! 

Founded on 17 September 2012, Vishwa Education is Aurangabad’s next generation teaching organization, where students develop a strong foundation in various career building subjects, especially mathematics and science.


Dr Homi Bhabha Young Scientist Exam

Government Scholarship Exam

Olympiad Foundation Batch

School Syllabus Batch

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